Eat & Great: Meet your Brimbank food neighbours
Staying fresh in business can be hard work, so make sure you pay attention to small business offerings in your local area.
There’s lots of networks out there - the main thing is to find ones that you can relate to, feel comfortable to join and that will add value to your business.
Your local Council or Library will have a listing of networks; search social media for networks/groups of like minded business owners; check what business to business networks are providing advice you need.
And don’t forget to look at co-working spaces. Many are more than just a shared office environment, hosting business to business events and workshops.
The Business of Food is a member of iHarvest Coworking in Sunshine. They have a fantastic partnership with Victoria University and through LaunchVic funding are providing affordable MasterClasses and they host a monthly ‘Meet Up’ hosted by rotating entrepreneurs.
Their Meet Ups are a great mix of ‘work & play’. You can relax at the end of the work day, network with other small business owners, joke about serious issues facing all entrepreneurs and then get great practical tips and advice on how to move things forward in your own business.